Help : Front Page

Please note that this documentation is outdated.

Visit the Photo Organizer Wiki for current documentation. This will be fixed in a future release.



The purpose of the front page is to provide customizable platform allowing the system administrator to create a unique appearance for Photo Organizer. Currently the Front Page consists only of a single page that is the default page of the software, but we have plans to extend the Front Page and turn it into a complete customer interface. When the implementation is completed PO will have two interfaces, the customer interface that will be fully customizable and the user interface that will be a futher developed version of the current interface.


The front page is composed by three main elements. These are:

  • PHP PROLOG - mandatory PHP code that creates the PHP environment.
  • USER CODE - your HTML code with embedded Photo Organizer PHP tags.
  • PHP EPILOG - mandatory PHP code that releases the PHP environment.


The PHP PROLOG should be the first tag of your template. This creates the environment for the PHP primitives that are described in the following paragraph. This has the following static structure:

      include_once "include/config.php";
      include_once "include/site.php";
      include_once "$theme/theme.php";
      $database = site_prolog();




    This tag displays the logo of your Photo Organizer installation. The logo is customizable, by default it is the PO logo as defined in the theme that is comming with the software.


    • $align - sets the alignement of the logo; valid values are: "left", "center" or "right"


    PO Navigator

      site_navigator_stand_alone($database, $tab);

    This tag displays the Photo Organizer navigation bar.


    • $database - this variable describes a database connecton, that was instatiated by the PHP PROLOG.
    • $tab - the active tab; valid values are: 5 - "My Folders", 8 - "My Datebook", 6 - "My Profile", 7 - "My Settings", 10 - "My Tools", 11 - "My Basket", 9 - "Admin", 1 - "Users", 2 - "Search", 3 - "Login/Logout", 4 - "Help"


    PO Navigator Status Bar

      site_navigator_status($left_string, $right_string);

    This tag displays the Photo Organizer navigator status that is usually located right below the navigator bar.


    • $left_string - string displayed on the left side of the status bar.
    • $right_string - string displayed on the right side of the status bar


    Display Single Photo

      site_display_photo($database, $photo_id, $framed);

    This tag displays a single photo linked to the its photo preview. Since the Front Page is accessed by non registered users as well, make sure that the photos you display on the Front Page are publicly available.


    • $database - this variable describes a database connecton, that was instatiated by the PHP PROLOG.
    • $photo_id - the photo identifier, that is the first part of the Dupe Identifier, as displayed in the Photo Preview's Duplicates section.
    • $framed - valid values are: "true" - to display a frame around the photo, "false" - to display the bare photo only, without any additional decoration.


    Display Random Photo

      site_display_random_photos( $database, $type, $identifier, $rows, $columns, $framed);

    This tag displays random photos of a given folder, album or user arranged in a specified geometry.


    • $database - this variable describes a database connecton, that was instatiated by the PHP PROLOG.
    • $type - valid values are: "album" - to display photos belonging to an album, "folder" - to display photos belonging to a folder, "user" - to display photos belonging to a user,
    • $identifier - the folder, album or user identifier.
    • $rows - number of rows, must be greater than 0.
    • $columns - number of columns, must be greater than 0.
    • $framed - valid values are: "true" - to display a frame around the photo, "false" - to display the bare photo only, without any additional decoration.


    Display User Name

      site_display_user_name( $database, $user_identifier, $link);

    This tag displays the name of a user.


    • $database - this variable describes a database connecton, that was instatiated by the PHP PROLOG.
    • $user_identifier - user identifier.
    • $link - valid values are: "true" - to link the user's account, "false" - to display the user name as simple text.


    PO General Search Entry

      site_search_entry( $align, $size);

    This tag displays a general search entry that returns the search results in the Search View.


    • $database - this variable describes a database connecton, that was instatiated by the PHP PROLOG.
    • $align - sets the alignement of the search entry; valid values are: "left", "center" or "right"
    • $size - the number of characters in the search entry.


    PO Credit

      site_credit( $align, $show_version, $framed);

    This tag displays the Photo Organizer credit and the software version.


    • $align - sets the alignement of the credit; valid values are: "left", "center" or "right"
    • $show_version - valid values are: "true" - to display the version information, "false" - to hide the version information.
    • $framed - valid values are: "true" - to display a frame around the photo, "false" - to display the bare photo only, without any additional decoration.


The PHP EPILOG should be the last tag of your template. Its purpose is to close all connections that were set up by the PHP PROLOG. This has the following static structure:



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .
The photographs may be scaled and the file format may be changed for non-commercial display on sites such as, contact jeffrobinsSAE-at-gmail for permission for other uses.
Powered by Photo Organizer v2.37.1
[Copyright and licensing notices]